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21 Sep 2024 - 10:51 am

Гарантии! Качество! Отзывы!
Проверенный магазин!
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[url=]>>> ✅ (ЖМИ СЮДА) ✅ ✅


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Делали заказ на 10 гр. АМ-2233, вместо чего прислали 6,82 гр.

Спасибо всем.

Отзыв коротенько. Закладка на месте. Обьяснение распологает. Фото имеется. Бот чёткий. бошки хороши. Вес норма! ... ну вот и всё Коротко и ладно)

Магазин очень хороший всё чётко и быстро и селер грамотный вы правы

хочу извинится за поднятую панику(думаю ТС меня понимает , т.к. все мы люди и переживаем за свои деньги,тем более сфера деятельности расшатывает нервы как не крути).зная теперь с чем была связана данная проблема с поставками и положительным финалом в порядочности ТС не сомневаюсь.на данный момент работа налажена,в чем убедился сам и наслышан от других.

"Прыгаю в кеды, и лечу на адрес "

Облако тегов:

Астрахань купить Скорость Альфа-ПВПСимферополь купить ЭкстазиАстрахань купить амфетамин, фенКупить Гашиш, Бошки, Шишки ЛипецкМосква купить Скорость ск
Казань купить ГероинБалашиха купить ШИШКИ (БОШКИ)Екатеринбург купить Бошки, ШишкиУлан-Удэ купить шишки (марихуана, weed)Новосибирск купить Героин
Белгород купить wax картриджиВладимир купить ЭкстазиЕкатеринбург купить марихуанаЛипецк купить альфа pvpНабережные Челны купить соли альфа пвп
Купить | закладки | телеграм | скорость | соль | кристаллы | a29 | a-pvp | MDPV| 3md | мука мефедрон | миф | мяу-мяу | 4mmc | амфетамин | фен | экстази | XTC | MDMA | pills | героин | хмурый | метадон | мёд | гашиш | шишки | бошки | гидропоника | опий | ханка | спайс | микс | россыпь | бошки, haze, гарик, гаш | реагент | MDA | лирика | кокаин (VHQ, HQ, MQ, первый, орех), | марки | легал | героин и метадон (хмурый, гера, гречка, мёд, мясо) | амфетамин (фен, амф, порох, кеды) | 24/7 | автопродажи | бот | сайт | форум | онлайн | проверенные | наркотики | грибы | план | КОКАИН | HQ | MQ |купить | мефедрон (меф, мяу-мяу) | фен, амфетамин | ск, скорость кристаллы | гашиш, шишки, бошки | лсд | мдма, экстази | vhq, mq | москва кокаин | героин | метадон | alpha-pvp | рибы (психоделики), экстази (MDMA, ext, круглые, диски, таблы) | хмурый | мёд | эйфория
Смоленск купить Скорость (Ск Альфа-ПВП)Курган купить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФЯрославль купить wax картриджиРостов-на-Дону купить скоростьБарнаул купить Лсд
Вологда купить а29, a-pvp, MDPVТольятти купить Мефедрон мяу, 4mmcЕкатеринбург купить метадонКупить Героин, Метадон АстраханьМахачкала купить альфа pvp
Магнитогорс купить МДМА КристаллыСургут купить марихуанаБарнаул купить Экстази (МДМА)Барнаул купить МДМАСаранск купить Скорость скКалининград купить метадон
Подольск купить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФКурган купить КокаинГрозный купить Кокаин, Мефедрон, БошкиСамара купить шишки (марихуана, weed)



21 Sep 2024 - 08:52 am

Гарантии! Качество! Отзывы!
Проверенный магазин!
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▼ Наши контакты ▼

[url=]>>> ✅ (ЖМИ СЮДА) ✅ ✅


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Брал первый раз дживик качество вроде норм))))Еще хотел совет попросить как из 250 самый норм микс сделать?Помогите плиз.

как планчик наверн цепляет. но не прям на коры. вообщем так норм сойдет


У каждого селлера, в нынешние времена, продукты с одним и тем же названием, имеют часто разный внешний вид, различные дозировки и эффекты, потому то так часто у селлера и спрашивают параметры этих в-в "именно" в данном магазе "именно" у данного селлера.

но только если мусора захотят найдут. просто мусора еслиб хотели найти , то давно бы уже посыль пришла с сопровождением.

Ещё и сообщения трут.

Облако тегов:

Самара купить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФКупить Кокаин Набережные ЧелныРостов-на-Дону купить амфетамин фен, порохЯрославль купить марихуанаУфа купить Героин
Новосибирск купить амфетамин фен, порохНижний Тагил купить гашиш (HASH)Смоленск купить МДМА, Lsd, Мефедрон, СККупить Кокаин, Мефедрон, Бошки ХабаровскКазань купить wax картриджи
Владимир купить шишки (марихуана, weed)Магнитогорс купить МДМАСевастополь купить Лирика 300 мгКемерово купить A-PVP КристаллыСаранск купить амфетамин, фен
Купить | закладки | телеграм | скорость | соль | кристаллы | a29 | a-pvp | MDPV| 3md | мука мефедрон | миф | мяу-мяу | 4mmc | амфетамин | фен | экстази | XTC | MDMA | pills | героин | хмурый | метадон | мёд | гашиш | шишки | бошки | гидропоника | опий | ханка | спайс | микс | россыпь | бошки, haze, гарик, гаш | реагент | MDA | лирика | кокаин (VHQ, HQ, MQ, первый, орех), | марки | легал | героин и метадон (хмурый, гера, гречка, мёд, мясо) | амфетамин (фен, амф, порох, кеды) | 24/7 | автопродажи | бот | сайт | форум | онлайн | проверенные | наркотики | грибы | план | КОКАИН | HQ | MQ |купить | мефедрон (меф, мяу-мяу) | фен, амфетамин | ск, скорость кристаллы | гашиш, шишки, бошки | лсд | мдма, экстази | vhq, mq | москва кокаин | героин | метадон | alpha-pvp | рибы (психоделики), экстази (MDMA, ext, круглые, диски, таблы) | хмурый | мёд | эйфория
Махачкала купить Экстази (МДМА)Саратов купить БошкиТольятти купить гашиш (HASH)Купить Гашиш, Бошки, Шишки СевастопольКупить Мефедрон, Скорость ск Киров
Якутск купить a-pvpНовосибирск купить Скорость Альфа-ПВПСаранск купить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФКупить Мефедрон ТомскКемерово купить героин (хмурый, фенатанил)
Купить Мефедрон УльяновскСаранск купить MDMA (XTC, экстази)Тольятти купить Скорость скЧита купить wax картриджиКупить Скорость (Ск Альфа-ПВП) СаранскТула купить метамфетамин
Казань купить MDMA (XTC, экстази)Симферополь купить Экстази (МДМА)Калининград купить а29, a-pvp, MDPVМахачкала купить соли альфа пвп



21 Sep 2024 - 07:16 am

Гарантии! Качество! Отзывы!
Проверенный магазин!
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▼ Наши контакты ▼

[url=]>>> ✅ (ЖМИ СЮДА) ✅ ✅


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Смело таримся!! Нипожалеете

а какие были проблемы по данном поводу?

что сильнее 100 или 400 ? и по времени сколько действуют ?

свое сообщение исправил

Клад был сделано на 5, инфу по кладу дали на 5. В общем очень доволен данным магазином, по качеству товара, отпишу позже! Заказывал здесь 1-ый раз, заливал бабки без гаранта, так что спокойно работайте без гаранта! Спасибо еще раз, продолжайте в том же духе, будем работать!!!

Всем привет данной ветки:hello: История токова...

Облако тегов:

Ростов-на-Дону купить марихуанаИркутск купить Героин, Метадон, ЛирикаВладимир купить Мефедрон мяу, 4mmcКрасноярск купить mdmaРязань купить скорость
Владимир купить Скорость (Ск Альфа-ПВП)Волгоград купить ШИШКИ (БОШКИ)Рязань купить гашиш (HASH)Купить Бошки, Шишки, Гашиш ВологдаКупить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФ Курган
Чита купить Экстази (МДМА)Купить MDMA (XTC, экстази) УльяновскКупить MDMA (XTC, экстази) КраснодарНабережные Челны купить Героин, Метадон, ЛирикаНижний Новгород купить Скорость Альфа-ПВП, МЕФ
Купить | закладки | телеграм | скорость | соль | кристаллы | a29 | a-pvp | MDPV| 3md | мука мефедрон | миф | мяу-мяу | 4mmc | амфетамин | фен | экстази | XTC | MDMA | pills | героин | хмурый | метадон | мёд | гашиш | шишки | бошки | гидропоника | опий | ханка | спайс | микс | россыпь | бошки, haze, гарик, гаш | реагент | MDA | лирика | кокаин (VHQ, HQ, MQ, первый, орех), | марки | легал | героин и метадон (хмурый, гера, гречка, мёд, мясо) | амфетамин (фен, амф, порох, кеды) | 24/7 | автопродажи | бот | сайт | форум | онлайн | проверенные | наркотики | грибы | план | КОКАИН | HQ | MQ |купить | мефедрон (меф, мяу-мяу) | фен, амфетамин | ск, скорость кристаллы | гашиш, шишки, бошки | лсд | мдма, экстази | vhq, mq | москва кокаин | героин | метадон | alpha-pvp | рибы (психоделики), экстази (MDMA, ext, круглые, диски, таблы) | хмурый | мёд | эйфория
Иваново купить Скорость (Ск Альфа-ПВП)Барнаул купить мефКиров купить а29, a-pvp, MDPVБалашиха купить Героин, Метадон, ЛирикаСмоленск купить Гашиш, Бошки, Шишки
Смоленск купить скоростьРязань купить ЭкстазиЕкатеринбург купить Бошки, Шишки, ГашишУльяновск купить MDMA (XTC, экстази)Саратов купить Героин, Метадон, Лирика
Рязань купить Скорость Альфа-ПВПЕкатеринбург купить ШишкиЛипецк купить Бошки, Гашиш, ШишкиУфа купить АмфетаминКупить Героин, Метадон, Лирика КраснодарНовосибирск купить кокаин VHQ, HQ, MQ
Вологда купить коксПермь купить Мефедрон КристаллыОренбург купить альфа pvpКупить A-PVP Кристаллы Волжский
[url=]Заходи на Сайт - TGKANA.COM | Екатеринбург купить АМФЕТАМИН (ФЕН)[/url] 939d520



21 Sep 2024 - 06:33 am

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.



21 Sep 2024 - 06:32 am

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.



21 Sep 2024 - 06:32 am

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.



21 Sep 2024 - 06:32 am

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.



21 Sep 2024 - 06:32 am

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

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